Completely loved reading this, bit by bit, throughout my morning, as I was also peppered with some trying tasks. Thanks for once again offering a bit of shelter and refreshment by pointing out spots of earthy goodness. I wrote out the quote concerning the "path of oncoming beauty" on the kitchen white board here. Something lovely to think on as we prepare and eat our meals today.

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Oh, so much about this pleases me no end, Laura. And yes to 'lying fallow'..... vs. "let me draw your attention to my absence,"; so well said. Thank you for the Maggie Smith poem and cheers to Brian Doyle. Nearly every other essay leaves me with the grandest feeling.

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I’m coming back to look at your links. Local Wonders by Ted Kooser is beautiful. You’d love it I think. I chased beauty while riding my bike-a meadow of soybeans, hidden off a farm track, the zebra stripes of sun and shadow. The grand old trees by our farm that make me think of Abraham’s oaks of Mamre. I like that challenge to make beauty and share it. Another teacher guy you might like is Jeffrey Davis of Tracking Wonder. His book by that name is coming in November but he has a great newsletter. Good to hear your voice again.

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Timely, as it should be, and not by coincidence. Photography leads me into oncoming discovery nearly every day. If I fail to go out to look, I will never see or know or discover.

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